Why collective bargaining?

Collective bargaining offers significant benefits to both employees and employers by fostering a collaborative environment where workplace issues can be addressed through negotiation. For employees, it ensures that their voices are heard and that they have a say in determining wages, benefits, working conditions, and other essential aspects of their employment. This process can lead to improved job security, fairer compensation, and better working conditions. For employers, collective bargaining can help maintain stable labor relations, reduce the likelihood of strikes or disputes, and create a more motivated and productive workforce. Overall, it promotes a balanced power dynamic, leading to more equitable and sustainable outcomes in the workplace. 


July 26, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Recently, your IAM District 142 and Alaska leadership met to review the base wage rates for COPS and RSSA members per COPS Letter of Agreement #23 and RSSA Letter of Agreement #22.

The purpose of the review was to determine if an adjustment is needed to ensure that CSA and RSA agents at the Top of Scale are not paid less than fourth place amongst major US-based passenger air carriers.

It was agreed that the CSA base wage rate at the Top of Scale needed to be increased by 5.37% to reach fourth place. Per the agreement, the 5.37% increase will be applied to all steps, scales, and grades on August 10, 2024.

Currently, the RSA Top of Scale rate is fourth amongst major US-based passenger air carriers, so the 2.5% increase per the RSSA Letter of Agreement will be applied to all steps, scales, and grades on August 10, 2024.

Please contact a local Shop Steward or a District 142 General Chair if you have any questions or concerns about these updates. We appreciate your support and solidarity.

Sincerely and fraternally,

John M. Coveny, Jr.

President/Directing General Chair

IAM District 142

James M. Samuel

(Acting) Directing General Chair

IAM District 142

Jason McAdoo

General Chair

IAM District 142

Justin Bates

General Chair

IAM District 142

Jesse Wilson

General Chair

IAM District 142

Sandy Field

General Chair

IAM District 142

2024 District 142 scholarship competition reminder!

This is a reminder that the District Lodge 142 Scholarship Essay Competition is open and taking applications!

The competition will close at 11:59 MST, Sunday, March 31, 2024. Winners will be announced the first week in May, 2024.

The official letter and links to the application are reposted below. Good luck to all our participants!!

Todd Day

Director of Communications

IAM District 142

Scholarship Notice